Mondays - Crystal Palace
Fixtures & Results
Week 1 - 13th January
7.00 Catford Dogs 24 v Spice Goals 15
POM Afrooz Seresht
7.45 Palace Pixies 23 v Hoopsters 23
POM ​Rachel Akhere
Week 2 - 20th January
Postponed to 24th Mar wk 11
7.00 Hoopsters v Untouchaballs
7.45 Spice Goals v Palace Pixies
Bye Catford Dogs
Week 3 - 27th January
Postponed to 31st Mar wk 12
7.00 Catford Dogs v Palace Pixies
7.45 Spice Goals v Untouchaballs
Bye Hoopsters​
Week 5 - 10th February
7.00 Spice Goals 13 v Hoopsters 20
POM Afoma Ojukwu
7.45 Catford Dogs 17 v Untouchaballs 22
POM Renata
Week 4 - 3rd February
Postponed to 7th April wk 13
7.00 Palace Pixies v Untouchaballs
7.45 Catford Dogs v Hoopsters
​ Bye Spice Goals
Week 6 - 17th February
7.00 Palace Pixies 28 v Catford Dogs 10
POM Ali Maclean
7.45 Untouchaballs 25 v Spice Goals 12
POM Louise Kaye
Week 7 - 24th February
7.00 Hoopsters 25 v Untouchaballs 19
POM Bonny Sullivan
7.45 Palace Pixies 24 v Spice Goals 20
POM Vicky Fletcher​​
Week 8 - 3rd March
7.00 Catford Dogs v Spice Goals
7.45 Palace Pixies v Hoopsters
Bye Untouchaballs
Week 9 - 10th March
7.00 Palace Pixies v Untouchaballs
7.45 Catford Dogs v Hoopsters
Bye Spice Goals​
Week 10 - 17th March
7.00 Hoopsters v Spice Goals
7.45 Catford Dogs v Untouchaballs
Bye Palace Pixies​
Week 11 - 24th March
Rescheduled from 20th Jan wk 2​
7.00 Hoopsters v Untouchaballs
7.45 Spice Goals v Palace Pixies
Bye Catford Dogs
Week 12 - 31st March
Rescheduled from 27th Jan wk 3​
7.00 Catford Dogs v Palace Pixies
7.45 Spice Goals v Untouchaballs
Bye Hoopsters​
Week 13 - 7th April
Rescheduled from 3rd Feb wk 4​
7.00 Palace Pixies v Untouchaballs
7.45 Catford Dogs v Hoopsters
​ Bye Spice Goals
Points breakdown:
Win - 5
Draw - 3
Score within 5 goals - 2
Score half goals - 1
Score less than half goals - 0
Previous season winners
Oct-Jan League Winners 2024/25 - Hoopsters
Player of the Season - tbc
Jul-Sept League Winners 2024 - Hoopsters
Player of the Season - Izzy Marsh, Catford Dogs
Apr-Jul League Winners 2024 - Palace Pixies
Player of the Season - Annie Cordrey, Palace Pixies
Jan-Mar League Winners 2024 - The Night Riders
Player of the Season - Becky Sawyer, Untouchaballs
Oct-Jan League Winners 2023/24 - The Night Riders
Player of the Season - Jade Hierons, Hoopsters
July-Sept League Winners 2023 - The Night Riders
Player of the Season - Pareisse Wilson, Palace Pixies
Mar-July League Winners 2023 - Untouchaballs
Player of the Season - Juliette Dalton, The Night Riders
Jan-Mar League Winners 2023 - Hoopsters
Player of the Season - Ava Platts, Shooting Stars